What to Expect This Week

Everything you should know this week

It’s 1/5/25— here are the articles you should expect from us this week (along with any news you might want to catch). As always we've got you covered with the good and the bad. Here we go!

Some Upcoming Posts

📅WED: Speech And Debate On Social Media

📅THU: Original Oratory Tips Pt. 2

📅SAT: Jan/Feb LD Mini Topic Analysis

Quote of the Week

Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is.

Publilius Syrus

News Watch

The first on our list was quite a while back (nearly one year ago) but many of you have no clue that this had happened: Below is a tweet from James Fishback, the founder of Incubate Debate

A Week from now last year the NSDA was hit a federal civil rights complaint. Feel free to click on the tweet and read through what went down.

More Lax News

  • (1/3) Burlington Speech and Debate Has Their First Varsity Meet In Lander per Basin Republic

  • (10/2/24) Talkin’ Broncos Speech and Debate Team Begin With a Bang per Boise State News

  • (12/24/24) CAM High School Speech and Debate coach receives Don Crabtree award per Atlantic News Telegraph 

Spotlight of the Week

💫 Major shoutout to award-winning debater and former senior of Delores T. Arthur School for Young Men, Jordan Brown. Jordan had valiantly argued and advocated for the continued operation of his school— which is now closed. Despite these losses, Jordan will be continuing his debate career in Minneapolis, where his voice will be heard and where he’ll continue to represent excellence

Stay tuned, you won’t want to miss it what we're putting out this week! If you want to keep up with us follow our Instagram, LinkedIn, Or Twitter

Best of luck,

The Forensic Funnel Team

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